Monday, April 13, 2009

The Surprise Party

The Surprise PartyBishop Vashti McKenzie The resurrection described in John's gospel appears to be a series of many surprises. The stone was rolled away from the mouth of the tomb. Mary Magdalene was surprised. The tomb was empty. The Disciples, who raced to the burial site, were surprised.

The gardener surprises Mary, who did not recognize the resurrected Lord. You can imagine the surprise of the other disciples that night when Mary announced to them, "I have seen the Lord."

It shouldn't have been a surprise. Jesus told them He had a date with a cross. The reason for His coming, the capstone of His mission and the culmination of His earthly ministry was up on a cross and out of a grave - ALIVE.

The portrayal of the life and ministry of Jesus in the Gospels could be termed also as a series of surprises. Surprise! Jesus taught with a fresh interpretation of the law, with an authority not seen before or since. Surprise! Jesus said love your neighbor and also your enemies, pray for them who despitefully use you, and forgive 70 times 7.

Surprise! Jesus taught seek first the Kingdom and the stuff your looking for will be added to you. Surprise! Jesus endured the cross and the shame for the joy at a time when we didn't deserve it; for while we were sinners Jesus died on a cross.

Surprise! Jesus went further to reach people and to reconcile them to God crossing political, cultural and historical boundaries. He let nothing stand in His way. The Pharisees, soldiers, Herod and Satan all tried to stop Him. Peter tried to convince Him to choose another course of action and Judas tried to betray Him into military action.

We may even remain surprised at how important we are to Jesus Christ. Surprised that salvation is still available by grace through faith. Surprised that there is still healing in His hem when we are unworthy to unlatch the sandals from His feet. Surprised that even when we tripped over our own feet, stumbled into poor decisions, disintegrated in private or flopped in public Jesus was there for us.

Even when we didn't deserve resuscitation, surprise, Jesus led the rescue effort.

What a great surprise party it was that day when Jesus rose from the grave with all power in His hands. The rules for inclusion were changed so that all who call upon the name of Jesus shall be saved; the grave has no victim and death no sting.

Let us gather together to celebrate the proclamation of this victory and the spread of a new community ruled by God's love. Let us celebrate by recommitting our lives to the worship, work and witness of our resurrected Messiah. Tell our own story to all who would listen, like Mary, I have seen the Lord!

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