Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009
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The Outlook Of The ChurchJothany Blackwood
"Behold, I am about to do a new thing! See, it has already begun..." Isaiah 43:19
One of the hallmarks of the church is that it is the gathering place for people starting over. And starting over opens the door to being a part of something larger than ourselves. It offers an open invitation to all to come and do the necessary work to be better. And being better can be evidenced by birthing our dormant dreams and releasing our issues to welcome in better things. The church, by its very nature, represents tradition as well as signals new directions and destiny.
It often requires that folks change their outlook in order to move into their destiny. This is critical in our Christian walk because a change in our outlook usually determines our outcome. Your current outlook is usually a good barometer of the direction of your life. When God tells you to look at what He is about to do, He is talking about vision. You have to be able to see that He is getting ready to change things.
Next, the church positions us in a posture of expectancy that God will bring a new thing into our lives. Believe that He has already begun it so it can move from the spirit realm into your reality. Maybe you've been expecting something for a long time and yet find yourself in the same place. But when we ask God to change our outlook, then we are in a position to reframe our lives. And we can accept with certainty that the things around us will change, our dreams will come to pass, and our walk will begin to align with that expectation.
Often our outlook is influenced by the people around us. So the church forces us to conduct an inspection of our connections. And this is so important because they can have profound impact on the depth and breadth of our vision. So we have to be intentional about the people we allow around us as they can abort our purpose, just by denying it's even an option in our lives.
And you have a responsibility not to miscarry God's vision for your life. So if you desire to move into a higher dimension, then you need to get away from people who have your problem and around people that have your solution. The church strategically equips us with the power to bring our destiny to pass. And as we focus on more bowing down as a body, there will be less breaking down in our individual lives. And we would be better prepared to receive the new thing that God has promised us.
God has sent a word that He will bring a new thing to our lives. And He will use the church to usher us into a greater destiny in Him!

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