Saturday, July 11, 2009


SOWING SEEDS Galatians 6:6-10 Father, holy unscornable God,Don't let me be deceived, my God, for I know that no one can mockyou with impunity. For whatever a person sows that is what theperson will reap. Those who sow to the flesh will from the fleshreap corruption, but those who sow to the Spirit will reap eternallife.I want to reap eternal life, Father. Help me always to sow to theSpirit!Help me never to tire of doing good, for in your own due season Iwill reap. Let me never lose heart, but, as I have opportunity, mayI do good to all people, especially to my brothers and sisters inthe household of faith.In the name of Jesus I ask all this and that you will give me aSpirit-filled life resulting in eternal victory! Amen.

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