Tuesday, February 16, 2010


For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that
we should love one another.
-- 1 John 3:11

The original message - love one another. The enduring message -
love one another. The most convicting message - love one another.
The most difficult message - love one another. I'm reminded of the
little verse: To dwell above with saints we love, O that will be
glory. But to dwell below with saints we know, now that's another
story. But it's the story we're called to write with our lives!
This is God's enduring message he wants demonstrated in his
children. Let's go out and live it!

Loving Father, I commit to you that I will intentionally show my
love for your children in what I do and say. I do this trusting
your grace to empower me to do more than I would do on my own.
Through Jesus my Savior I pray. Amen.

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