Tuesday, November 11, 2008


PREPARED TO FIGHT Ephesians 6:14-17 http://www.SearchGodsWord.org/desk/?query=Ephesians+6:14-17Dear Father, my support in battle,Help me stand, having put on my body the garments of TRUTH and thebullet-proof vest of the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS, having put on myfeet the combat boots of PREPARATION IN THE GOOD NEWS OF PEACE, andbesides these, having taken in hand the shield of TRUST IN GOD. (Ifeel like I need a gas mask of DISCERNMENT to protect me from thepoison of Satan's propaganda.) Give me the wisdom that comes withthe helmet of SALVATION and the zeal to take up the assault weaponof the SPIRIT, THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD.With all these in place, let me stand my ground . . . and fight!In the name of Jesus, the forger of our armor, I pray. Amen.

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